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Errr.... Premature Congratulation.

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Bbbananas | 15:54 Fri 17th May 2013 | Health & Fitness
43 Answers
As opposed to the other sort of problem.

The champers was opened too soon I'm afraid. The consultants explanation & diagnosis given to me today was that of ovarian cancer stage 1c.

Not quite the good news and the all-clear I thought on Tuesday, but could be a lot worse.

No chemo for now, just 3 monthly surveillance.

Fingers crossed for me x

Sqadlet, I have a question for you if you have the time x


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No thank you x
I think he was trying to simplify things; he seemed quite amazed when I asked him about pseudomyxoma peritonei (even more so, as I pronounced it correctly!) and G.I. Primary / secondary ovarian - John Hopkins pathology website, no more Wikipedia sh1te... ;-)

My appendix looked clear so was not removed.

So, I am going to take his departing advice which was "Chill" (Is that a medical term???!)

Thank you sqad. And everyone else for their concern and input x me....I'm a doctor.......;-)
Question Author
Ha! Now that is SO reassuring....

Have you forgotten just how many doctors I have known ?!!!!!!!
Yeah! but none like "wot i am"...;-)
Question Author
Mmmmmmm, you could be right on that one.

Ding Dong X
My prayers & thoughts are with you. XXX
I'll just elbow Sqad out of the way for a sec and give you a hug..and much love...Gx
Bloody 'ell Salla there was me thinking all along that you had already been filleted & now you come out with this, fingers absolutely crossed babs & everything ( legs especially).
Love from us all.

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It's been a roller coaster of a few months. Negative, positive, up, down, blah Di blah. It always helps when you know you have good wishes and support.

You lot, who I have never even met, have been a source of support. Thanks guys xxxx
I hope that everything goes well for you, take care of yourself.
salla, open a bottle of wine if you already haven't.
-- answer removed --
Hope all goes well for you salla ((hugs)).
Wishing you all the best Keep laughing at life.
no chemo for now/ 3 monthly checks..........dare I say, sounds promising ?
Question Author
Yes it does Anne. All in all, despite being slightly deflated since Tuesday, I realise I am still very lucky to be only at stage 1 - whether OBMCA 1 or OvCa 1c. !!!
I agree, now get another bottle of fizz opened :0
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Ooooh no, not again !!!!
salla...been a traumatic week for sqad.....

You first of all and my mate who had a right nephrectomy here and was told that it was told that he had an extensive cancer of the kidney with omental metastasis and his wife asked me re. the prognosis and i told her a 50/50 chance of him being alive at Xmas.
They came into the cafe today with the biopsy report which was sent from Barcelona and it was reported on as Xanthomatous pyelonephritis...a rare condition and completely benign.

So with you and him .............successful outcome.
don't we just love that word benign :)

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