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Who is your favorite author?

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davelee | 09:47 Fri 29th Apr 2011 | Arts & Literature
41 Answers
Who is your favorite author? What was the last book you read?


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Terry Pratchett, I cant remember reading one of his books I've not enjoyed, I'm halfway through "The Lovers" by John Connolly
Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Lee Child, Philippa Gregory, Kathy Reichs, James Patterson.
Currently reading 'Tragically I was an Only Twin' an anthology of work by the late, great, Peter Cook. One of the few books to make me laugh out loud.
Charles Dickens (closely followed by Jane Austen)

If Minds had Toes, by Lucy Eyre.
I don't really have a favourite author. Last book I read ..Nelson Mandela Conversations with myself.
Terry Pratchett then Robert Jordan. Oddly I currently don't have a book on the go.
No favorite for me-I don't read a lot of fiction.
Currently reading " City of Sin-London and its Vices" by Catharine Arnold
>I don't read a lot of fiction. < sure you do... you just don't know it ;-)

Currently reading Isaac Asimovs' short stories.
Favorite authors: Tom Sharpe, Rob Grant. Both made me laugh out loud. (had to be written)
I don't include what I read on here... ;-))
ahh... ok then, I stand corrected :-)
George R R Martin (who is finally releasing a new book in July).

Last book read "The Last Dragonslayer" by Jasper Fforde.

Currently reading "Kraken" by China Mieville.
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Stephen King and Clive Barker.

The last book I read was Imajica, by Clive Barker.
The last book I read was The Talented Mr Ripley. Patricia Highsmith has written some very good books.
I don't have a favourite author, I read books almost at random regardless of who wrote them. Maybe if a book was utterly terrible I would avoid that author.
John Irving, Kate Morton, John Boyne, David Nicholls, Barbara Trapido, Joanne Harris - far too many to mention or even remember without going home & looking.
Thomas Hardy.
Agreed in spades Mosaic
James Patterson, Harlen Coben, Michael Connolly, Susan Howatch, Clive Cussler.
Bill Bryson, Tom Sharpe, Ian Rankin, Stuart MacBride and Peter James. I'm currently re-reading all their books again....for the millionth time!!. Love them all.
I like Milan Kundera for a bit of depth but my fave has to be Dave Eggers, I love his style.
Last book I read was Derren Brown's latest one, Confessions of a conjuror.

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