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' Final Truth '

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cab | 15:59 Thu 11th Dec 2008 | Books & Authors
7 Answers
The diary of a serial killer by Donald 'Peewee' Gaskins
Set in America, has anyone read it?


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No, but the subject fascinates me, have you read it and is it good?
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Hi lakitu
No I was reading another book from the library about real life killers and this one was mentioned.
Supposed to be quite a gory read. xx
Even better!

Which book about real life killers had you been reading? x
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Just one I picked up in the library with different ones in .
I had an hour to spare and it was wet outside.
I once read Helter Skelter the Charles Manson murders ,that was excellant. x
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Come on someone must have read this book.
Haven't read that one, not heard of that serial killer, would be interested to read it, I have read Killing for Company. {Denis Neilson} Beyond Belief Moors Murderers} How can people resort to such atrocities!!
Question Author
I dont know mary it is hard to believe what some people are capable of isnt it?
I had never heard of him either.

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' Final Truth '

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