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Gromit | 15:30 Thu 29th May 2008 | Site Suggestions
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important announcement on the BBC website:>


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lol very good.
thats fake gotta be I cant click on any links in it and web address is not BBC's
Ha ha didnt even read the story but just have, very funny xx
ok thanks for the notice...

....better get chatting pdq
Wot a larf
ha ha has lee gend upset you Gromit
lol @ Mr Lee Gend! And "Dongiveatoss media"!

Good job!

PS: You might have too much time on your hands
ROFL - thats brilliant
thats the old bbc website!!
That's really good. Made me laugh out loud.
You arent the ED by any chance are you? nothing else to do with your time. lol
Love it!! xxx
-- answer removed --
its says Friday
thats brilliant : )

Best Post of 2008 so far.
And the moral of the story is....

Don't assume a link takes you where you think it will.

If that had looked like your bank's web site would you have entered your details?
Yes, why ever not ?
Excellent! It was getting far too heavy in here. .

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