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Why the Hell????

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Jessica200 | 15:54 Sat 22nd Sep 2007 | Site Suggestions
7 Answers
Can't I sign in under my user name? I've tried to re-register but it tells me the email address is already in use. OF COURSE IT IS, IT'S MINE!!!!!!! I want my name back!!!!!!! How does a person get it back???????? I've had to set up another email address just to get this really rubbish user name!!!!! Has someone pinched mine because it was so bril?????


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E-mail the technical department on AB & explain. They'll get back to you & may be able to sort it out.
who are u
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Well I'm not Leg end, Doc or Whiffey......................
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Techies never got back to me. I was apricot for years until I seemed to be banned. I had to use my work e-mail address to get back.
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Sometimes I can't log in, but if I delete my username and type it in again it works. I suspect something like a space gets put in after your username, so it looks right but gets rejected.

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Why the Hell????

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