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Email links?

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Ethmer | 18:49 Fri 21st Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
2 Answers

In reading the site rules and terms of service i see where divulging full name, address or phone number is prohibited.

Email address is not specifically prohibited.

Since there is no on-site messaging system, is it permissible to post our email address in an answer when we are wanting to offer direct communication with an individual?



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yup - it was recently allowed, but to avoid spamming your main account if you do leave an email here think about setting up one specially for the purpose

I was just about to post about having some sort of contact thing on here where people can access msn or email addy's if wanted.

Maybe everyone should have the option of putting their own profile in when they click on their username. The info divulged will be available to all but it is optional whether you add stuff.

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Email links?

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