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Well done Ed

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netibiza | 19:08 Tue 28th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
13 Answers
Your blog of this week, is a very necessary addition to the site. I do hope it helps some people.


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In fact not just ditto - Brilliant work Ed!
Pat on the back to ED...WELLDONE...(;-)
I agree completely.

Well done from me too. The young of today certainly are under a lot more pressure than ever before.

Nice one Ed :)
Great blog....Three cheers for our ED.
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but 10Clarionstreet am trying not to pressurise my 20yr old daughter, but she has to get a job and I cannot afford to pay for every whim, she has to learn that she has to pay her own way in this world, so what's the answer. Ideal parent - I'm not, wouldn't know where to start, but she has my endless love and trust.
Well said Neti.
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Strangely enough 10ClarionStreet here in Spain the pupils have to learn by themselves, the teacher tells them what to learn and does a rough guide and they are supposed to learn it. The teacher will always explain when necessary, but it's down to the pupils(with parents help) to learn it. Also if they are not up to standard they can be held back for up to two years until they have passed that grade. So it seems to be in Europe also. But they do send children to psychiatrists at the drop of a hat. If a two year old won't eat (and not many do) off they trot to see the psychiatrist. There wasn't much child abuse 30 yrs ago here, but we also have it now? Why?

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Do you know the answer?

Well done Ed

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