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Robinia | 13:28 Sun 06th Nov 2005 | Site Suggestions
15 Answers
May I suggest a Confessional category please? The AB has turned me into a compulsive liar. I've just told my sister in a text that I'm stripping wallpaper ...pants on fire!! Well I'm thinking about it! And I've told my neighbour when she's called me that I'm really busy....sorry...


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say 5 hail marys and 10 our fathers and you will be forgiven my child !!!
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I don't think the monks will let me off that easy bel but thanks anyway!

Can I say that I am not and never have been the Emperor of Outer Mongolia. That was the reason I gave for not paying Council Tax and I'm full of remorse......
Stripping got that bit right...Ha..Ha...(:)
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So you should be TCL shame on you!! ...practising saying 'I am the Empress of Outer Mongolia'....

Seems to be a theme going here - like I said Vinny you're gonna get some mileage out of this....

....And there was me thinking you were an honest Senior Citizen Robina! Shame on you!......
.......Well okay then an honest BiddyBanker!.......
boy TCL are you going to be sorry when you get a back tax bill for 27 tonnes of yak butter. They play yak polo with the heads of convicted tax felons there, you know

I have a stock of "I Can't Believe It's Not Yak Butter," will that do instead?

what is going on? robinia, smudge, vinny and corbyloon are always on the same thread.

Are you swingers?'e been sussed!!..(:)

Oh no, I think you're right Vinny - we've been rumbled!

Question Author

Don't anyone dare say the oldest swingers in town!!

We really need that confessional now... :-/

Now you know why we need all that yak...butter...loudickson...(:)
Don't forget me - I am probably theoldest swinger on here, although these days it's more of a wobble. But had a jolly good weekend wobbling around town.

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