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Why do we laugh

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ludwig | 14:13 Thu 22nd Jul 2004 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
If you think about it, laughter's quite a bizarre thing to do. Why do we do it? Are humans the only animals that laugh?


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laughings really fun isnt it? isnt it great feeling when there's something so funny that you can't stop and you can't stand up straight because your belly hurts and you're crying? thats a fantastic feeling!
I presume it's to do with social bonding and stuff. Chimpanzees do it, probably gorillas as well.
and hyenas :D i love a good laugh, one's where your tummy hurts and cheeks ache from laughing so much....
Apparently it's all about social bonding and making and strengthening human connections. It's been researched quite extensively. Check out this link for all the blurb:


Does anybody find they have the urge to laugh at the most inappropriate of times(oh how i wish that ground would open up and swallow me)
yes we are the only animals that laugh as we are the only creatures who understand the concept of humour
small children laugh or giggle when they get tossed up in the air by an adult, resulting from turbulence in the child's developing brain. It's just a physical expression.

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Why do we laugh

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