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poorly cat

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shelleyb41 | 16:50 Fri 25th May 2007 | Animals & Nature
11 Answers
my cat has not eaten or drunk for 3 days, all she does is hide somewhere in the house and sleep! it is most unlike her as she is normally very energetic. she has never been like this before. any ideas?


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yes- take her to the vet.
take her to the vets - tonight !
It could be the heat, it could be to much for her so she may be trying to find a cool place and this weather does put you of food.
Like the others say, better of takin her to the vets just to be safe.
If any animal is acting out of character and, she obviously is then, get her to the vet straight away.
One of mine hid herself away once and when we took her straight up to the vet he found that someone had either used her as a football or she had been hit by a car. There were no outward signs they were all internal. So as everyone is saying, get her to a vet quick.
take her to the vets, any chance she may be pregnant?
How is she today?
Hope you have managed to get her to a vet - let us know how she gets on
How can you have left it so long....get her to a vet and quick pleeeeze!!!!!!!
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just to let everyone know, the day after i posted this question she was back to her old self, eating and drinking and running around again! i took her to the vet anyway and he said that she probably had an upset stomach and that she was fine now.
Oh good...thats a relief...thanks for letting us know
Great news, thanks for letting us know.

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