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Honey Bee's

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Emz26 | 22:33 Tue 17th Apr 2007 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
My mum has just laid some new turf in her back garden and since then she has noticed what I think are honey bees flying in and out loads of holes in the grass. There are masses of them! It is making it really unplesant for her to sit out in her back garden.
Is it just best to let them be (excuse the pun!) or is there any way to get rid of them? Do they sting like wasps and more common bee's do?


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Your mum is quite safe Emz..

The bees aren't Honey Bees, but Miner Bees and are quite harmless. Let them be as in about 4 weeks they will have gone.
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Thanks very much for your reply. Do they die off then?
Yes, it seems they do - after all that hard work as well. I've just found this in a book on the countryside.

There are more than a 100 species of Miner Bees in the UK - all are valuable to gardeners as they are excellent pollinators.

Each female makes her own burrow in lawns digging with her fore feet and brushing the earth behind with her hind feet. The mounds of earth resemble tiny volcanoes.

After making 3-6 cells underground she provides each cell with a ball of pollen and nectar for food. She then lays an egg on each ball, closes up the cell, returns to the surface and dies. Amazing!
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It does seem that there are tiny mounds of earth everywhere!
Thank you for your replies.

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