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Notajok | 16:11 Thu 31st Oct 2002 | Animals & Nature
20 Answers
Why do you think that the ginger, freckled girl in the Orange advert doesn't like pigeons


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Because they're rats with wings?
Because, as the previous response suggests, a lot of people regard them as winged poo factories. personally, I don't have a problme with them - I'd much raher ban youths with baseball caps who drive �200 cars with �5,000 cars inflincting obscure forgettable dance music on the general public at ear-bleeding volume, at least pigeons are fairly quiet!
That should have been '�200 cars with �5,000 stereos' - I got so carried away ranting that my fingers got ahead of my brain.
Because they're vile, dirty, smelly, flappy, horrible, ugly things who poo everywhere. I'm with ginger girl on this one.
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Well said TW Im with you on this one.Anyway the ginger one doesnt like anything does she....
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Ewwwwwwwww, Wildwood, I am offended by your anti-cat comments, but I shall rise above them . . .
I like pigeons - in the city centre where I live they have a lot more style and character than most of the people who frequent the place.
Pigeons are an acknowledged pest. They themselves spread disease, and their droppings are a health hazard and a blight on our buildings and pavements. There's only one good thing you can say about pigeons - they can be quite tasty.
Boognish76, the same can be said of the people who frequent our city centre.
Except for the tasty part, I hope! :o)
Because they are grey and she wants to be surrounded by the prettier more colourful birds the people there in her ideal world are feeding perhaps?
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How could you recognise a pigeon as a pest? They all look very similar. Would photographic evidence of one being a pest help? Bats are luckier.. they are protected. Lucky old bats. That fascist Orange bird hates beards too. What would she do with a bearded owl?
pigeons have saved lives.ever heard of a homing parrot or a messenger budgie?how about a cockatiel,that could give firemen directions?no it's just because she is a soft girly who doesn't like flappy grey birds
oh by the way she don't like beards either,that's cos they give her a rash on her thighs
I'm sure pigeons aren't too fond of ginger freckled girls, one probably cr*pped on her from a great height. It's a well known fact that pigeons aim for red cars more than any other, so why not red hair? That was a lie by the way. Anyway, men with beards aren't too fond of ginger freckled girls either, so i don't think she'll get a chance to get a rash on her thighs. She probably wouldn't like me very much, i'm a pigeon with a beard...
the answer to this is quite simple. something has obviously happened in the womans life to make her hate pigious, this could be one of many things, such as, a pigion tried to shoot her, or owes her money, or took her family hostage.

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