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My Poor Little Fur Baby Isn’T Well

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Bobbisox1 | 11:18 Fri 21st Feb 2020 | Animals & Nature
63 Answers
Not sure what’s wrong with her, she didn’t eat her meal last night and isn’t interested in a treat, she keeps running then licking her lady bits, I’ve checked to see if there’s anything there but can’t see anything, she did jump into a pile of cow dung on Wednesday , could she have got an infection from doing that?
OH has taken her to the vets to have her checked over


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That’s what we paid Rocky, must be a standard fee
Question Author
Aww Hope your cocker is okay Pix x
Glad you are getting a doggy 'babygrow' we got Poppy's when she was spayed from the vet and she wore it happily. She took no notice of it at all! those elizabethan collars are so uncomfortable for them.
Question Author
Yes I’m sure she’ll be fine with it, I have to give her another tablet later, she’s slept most of the day Apc
I think we should have a collection for when Lola is better, so she can go to Disney land. :0)
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Can I leave her here with OH and you n me go TC :0)
If you go and leave her I shall report you to the RSPCA. ( Is she looking any brighter yet?)
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Slept a log of the day, she loves sausage so OH has sat and hand fed her with Richmonds best all diced up, we are really pleased as she hasn’t eaten since Wednesday evening
Jolly good, medication must be working if eating. :0)
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Hopefully TC , ( thanks )
Have a look at inflatable collars on Amazon. One of those might suit her better, Bobbie.

Here's a Pets at Home one but there are others on Amazon.
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Thanks Tilly , I’ll look
Gosh people have been so helpful here xxx
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In her homemade nappy to stop her getting at her lady bits :0/
Sorry Lola has not been well, hope she is better soon.
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Thanks Marval, she’s sleeping again just now
You could at least have put her in some of your frilly knicks!!
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She has her street cred to think of apc :0)
How is the little 'un this morning Bobbs ?
Question Author
She slept soundly HereIam, I’ve just given her,her meds and bless her ,she took them no problem, her antibiotics are Amoxicillin I noticed and another one which I’d imagine is to stop the irritation in her nether regions :0/
Thanks for asking x
Sounds like she's going to be ok, that's good x

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