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which bird is it?

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priyawarekar | 09:06 Mon 17th Oct 2005 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
hi this bird has yellow plumage , black or dark brown wings with some markings a small bird with small beak and slightly long tail for a small bird it is a lot familiar just the size of a tit & i think it is a tit as it resembles it. To be more accurate this bird appears on a CANON DIGITAL CAMERA AS A DISPLAY IMAGE. There are two images one of a golden retreiver and one of this bird can some one please find out wheather i'm right or not abt it being a tit bird and if it is which sub species is it? 


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Maybe a yellow wagtail..? Picture here

Strangely enough my neighbour has recently spotted one in her garden & we've never had one before in this area.

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no it is not a yellow wagtail coz it has a rounded chest just like a tit and and a narrow black color on it's eyes as if it's wearing a narrow mask but if u c a canon digital cam one can get a right pic
Where are you priyawarekar?  It might help to know.

priyawarekar , I assume you are talking about one of the inbuilt startup images on a Canon digital camera?

I don't recognise it as a British bird.  I have been through my Collins Field guide to birds of Britain and Europe and don't see it as an illustration. I would say it is definitely not a tit.  It is more like a bunting in shape.

Here is a further description:
beak - short, thick and black
crown - bright yellow
eye stripe - black and broad
cheek - pale yellow, almost white
breast and flanks - bright yellow
primaries - almost black with a white spot(bar?)
remainder of wings and back appear grey
tail - pale grey?

I can't get a good look at this image since it disappears almost as soon as it appears.  The settings screen overlays it with so much text and graphics that it is difficult to see all the details there either.  I hope this is sufficient to help someone else to recognise it.

priyawarekar,  Further research leads me to believe it is a bird of the Eastern USA called a  Blue-winged Warbler

Compare this photo on the link below:

Hi Robinia!  If I remember we all went through every bird we knew last year without helping priyawareker - before finding out he lives in India.
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hi Yes i'm from INDIA ROBINA AND CETTI I AM NOT HE my name is PRIYA i'm a girl and abt the bird this bird i didn't c it in INDIA i happened to c this bird on the CANON DIGITAL CAMERA and was curious. The discription given by gen2 is more in detail

Hi Cetti - I was thinking along the same lines.

Looks like I've been on a wild 'bird' chase again.  Priya I misunderstood & thought that you'd actually seen a bird that also appeared on the camera. Sorry :-(

I've only just seen your answer priya.  Please accept  my apologies a thousand times  for mistaking you for a guy.... your name is very pretty.

Hope to chat to you again soon.

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which bird is it?

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