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Breeding dogs

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lulu_bucket | 19:34 Wed 23rd Jan 2008 | Pets
5 Answers
if someone wants to use your DOG as a stud dog and he has to have his eyes and hips tested who should pay for the testing - the owner of the dog or the owner of the bitch?


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it depends on what you are getting for the stud, if you are being paid a good sum for the mating then you as it will benefit you in the future to know your dog is healthy for other stud outings if its only the price of a pup or pick of the litter and you don,t intend to do it again then the owner of the bitch as they stand to gain more selling the litter.
No-one should even contemplate letting their dog be used at stud if it is a breed that has hip/eye problems unless it has been tested ok. This is the responsibility of the stud dog owner. Health problems will never be eradicated in breeds if backyard breeders keep breeding from untested dogs. Responsible breeders still end up getting the flack when people buy puppies from untested stock, yet they do all they can by testing. If everyone who bought a puppy insisted on only buying from tested parents then there would be far fewer problems. It goes without saying that the bitch should also have all relevant health checks/tests done. Having carefully bred pups from tested parents means you can justify charging an appropriate price to cover the cost of your expenses. Problem is, some people still think they can get something for nothing or very cheap and only buy unregistered pups from people who probably don't even know if the dogs are related. As they say, you get what you pay for.
i would think it would be the responsibility of the sud dog owners to pay, like snakeyes said it would benifit them in the log run for future
Sorry Lulu but If you're having to ask a question like this, maybe you should find out a bit more about responsible breeding beforehand??
Why do they want to use the dog, is it a particualry good specimen, do theblood lines tie up with the bitch, is it a top show winner, is the breed short of stud dogs - there are many questions that need answering and considering before letting your dog be used just because someone has a bitch of the same (presumably) breed. Once used a dog can start to lift his leg indoors, hump cushions, chair legs, human legs, kids, and want to stray to find bitches. His temperament can change (mostly not for the better) and also the stud dog owner has a responsibility for bringing more dogs into the world - can the owner be sure the bitches owner is responsible enough to find them all good homes and take them all back if things don't work out once the puppies have been sold.

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