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Oh No! I Am Going To Miss My Little Buddy....

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Quoi | 14:53 Sun 16th Feb 2014 | Pets
34 Answers
Just need an outlet...... my poor cat has been found flat out next to his food bowl.
It looks like he may have choked on his food because there were absolutely no other signs of ill health - only seven years old too.

i wish I had been there, I may have been able to help.

RIP buddy gonna miss you xxx.


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Oh, how awful! I'm so sorry, quoi xx
I am so sorry for your loss.
For a cat that isn't such a bad way to go.

Don't feel bad - there was probably nothing that you could have done.

When Frankie refuses to eat his cat food he gives me the (that's poisonous) glare before stopping off. Maybe he knows something I don't.

He will be missed - it is hard to adjust to making your own decisions after taking orders from a bossy cat for so king.

Best wishes x
Ohhhhhh!!! How upsetting for you to find your beloved cat this way, so very sorry for your loss :(
Sorry to her your news Quoi, I know youve lost your friend but at least you didn't have to make THAT decission that all pet owners dread.
Only seven, oh what a shame. Poor boy. So sorry Quoi.
oh'how sad,
How very sad, poor little puss.
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Thanks all... just so desperately sad about such an unexpected loss.
How awful, so sorry Quoi.
Really sorry to hear your sad news especially as he was still young and so unexpected.
Much too young to leave. My heartfelt sympathy.
So sorry, Quoi
So sorry to hear that Quoi x
quoi - I'm so sorry. What a shock for you - poor puss, but hopefully he didn't know much about it. Eating would be a good way to go, in a cat's always-hopeful mind..... RIP, puss.
So sorry for your loss, it must have been a terrible shock.

With sympathy

I am sorry to hear this, may your furry friend rest in peace.
Oh! That's awful! So sorry to hear of your loss.

What was he like? A lover or a fighter? Did he bring you "gifts"?

Was Buddy his official name?

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Wolfie - he was gentle. He would come and sit in front of you and meow at you until you followed him to whatever it was he wanted you to do for him. Then he would stop every so often so that you would stroke him before he carried on.
He loved to be stroked through curtains for some strange reason.
His favourite game was to play with the little twists you get on electrical items.
He would dig one out and drop it front of you if he wanted to play.
Gonna really miss all that.
Buddy wasnt his name.

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Oh No! I Am Going To Miss My Little Buddy....

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