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Hi. Does anyone know the music to the latest sky 3d advert? Ive been away to afghan for the past few months so it probably isnt new anymore lol, but its got the football on it and on tv at the mo...just curious what the music is??!!

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rfoster81 | 11:42 Mon 14th Jun 2010 | Adverts
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Thanks mikey, that website was awesome. Sorry my mistake, it was the sony 3d advert, not sky! La fille mal gardee, the clog dance, 17a act 1(ballet) way would i have found that lol...many thanks x

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Hi. Does anyone know the music to the latest sky 3d advert? Ive been away to afghan for the past few months so it probably isnt new anymore lol, but its got the football on it and on tv at the mo...just curious what the music is??!!

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