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Tune used for SouthEastern Trains Advert

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barney15c | 00:57 Sat 20th Sep 2008 | Adverts
6 Answers
Does anyone know what the tune is for this.
Its the one with the blue circles that symbolise a train .


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It sounds a lot like Morten Harket from A-ha.
It's an A-HA song.
It's an A-HA song. Can't remeber from which album.
Its called 'SHAPES THAT GO TOGETHER' by a-ha on their MEMORIAL BEACH album 1994
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Thanks for your replies.
The song was only released as a single until appearing on A-Ha - The Definitive Singles Collection 1984 - 2004 in 2004 according to Wikipedia. gether

But thanks to the poster for putting me in the right direction. :)
Your right about it being a single. I assumed it was from Memorial Beach as it was released about the same time.

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Tune used for SouthEastern Trains Advert

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