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If we removed the adverts from The AnswerBank, would you be inclined to donate?

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AB Editor | 12:49 Fri 10th Mar 2023 | Editor's Blog
92 Answers

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  • No - 56 votes
  • 79%
  • Yes - 15 votes
  • 21%

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But I agree with others there are wider issues. I see problems where certain users who, while keeping within Site Rules virtually claim ownership of certain sections by driving out 'casual ' visitors by being patronising and insulting by alluding to their knowledge or opinions as somehow unworthy. News is the biggest area, and when comment is made the response is effectively grow a thicker skin, I will challenge views I feel are outdated, or out of place but being told repeatedly what person x says is the indisputable reality and they will not consider alternatives. Or being accused of belonging to groups with unpleasant history or association is still a regular feature of this section.
I didn't mind the ads, at the level we had before, they were no more bothersome than those I get on other sites. It was only the ones that partially cover the answer box that drove me nuts.

I think something we need to know is what the real cost of converting to a subscription only membership would be, bearing in mind that would drastically cut the casual footfall that in its turn leads to new regular users.
You could offer free trials to people - if they like it the pay the subs if they don't they leave.
Going to sit on the fence on this - yes I lean to but how much? Hitting spammers harder would be welcomed.....
I *might* pay a small monthly sub...but only if the moderation was far less heavy handed. So what if some people disagree and aren't besties...if they are not swearing or threatening...just let them vent and move on. I think many of us feel we are walking on eggs, and haven't a clue whether what we post will get past the AB thought police...seemingly innocuous threads vanish...along with a few controversial ones. I understand the need to zap the recurring trolls...but please let us say what needs saying when required. Stop treating us like children. This is not the AB of 12-15 years ago...most on here are capable of self-moderation. Quite a few good, sensible and intelligent people are gradually withdrawing. Some may be seen as "part of the problem " by a few...but what they contribute that is good outweighs that and they need encouragement to stay/come back. Otherwise they feel let down and a bit hard done by the AB powers that be.
That's my rant for today.
Seems very reasonable Pasta.

I also find it odd many who complain about 'Rudeness' are themselves rather rude and sanctimonious themselves. Perhaps they really mean ban people they disagree with.

As the ED says they can have very little control over peoples ideologies and way they present themselves.

On the mod subject I think on the whole most do a wonderful job. However there are some very odd decisions occasionally and threads blocked or answers disappear that dont seem to break Site Rules.
//This is not the AB of 12-15 years ago//

Ah. the good old 'Wild west' days :-)
The spats that occur now are mild in comparison...and it's not due to the moderation!
Thank you for your contributions. They are insightful.
I wouoldn't mind the adverts on the site - I sometimes only comment on the crosswords section, maybe step into chatterbank now and then but last night, my comment that I received best answer for was dissected, my keyboard was sticky and I didn't spell mechanic correct, for the spelling and grammar police on here and underhandedly accused of using a racist or derogatory term that is used here on cafe 'sandwich' boards often, sambo, no, I'd not pay donation for such a nitpicking woke site where some users just look for fault.
I see I have spelling errors here too,^^ in case any one wants to comment, I see them
I can't stand it when people comment on spelling/grammar errors. I'm sure most of us see them but know it would be rude to say anything. Those who do pass remarks are just childish IMO
Thank you Elliemay, my thoughts exactly.
ellie - // I can't stand it when people comment on spelling/grammar errors. I'm sure most of us see them but know it would be rude to say anything. Those who do pass remarks are just childish IMO //

I always believe that typos are a fact of life, we all do them, and it is impolite to point them out.

As far as grammar is concerned, I would only comment if a particular use of grammar meant that the meaning of the post was unclear, but I let anything else go, and I hope people would do the same for me - I get typos and grammar errors on here, and i write for a living!
It's not against Site Rules to misspell. Answers that are being removed for having typos in them should be reported to the editorial team immediately and we will resolve the issue.
Other than finding a way to raise more funds, you really only have one other problem that I know of, and can see every day.
It is on this thread in volumes. The OP was a yes or no answer really, but within no time at all it became a mod bashing exercise.

Until a rigid approach is taken too, replying to the OP, or related to the OP, or related to a previous post, about the OP, (ONLY )then every OP will end up being a free for all bashing contest ever time.
Delete none related, and you might just get to a better place.
Go to CB if you just care to mess around, like I do sometimes.

I have to agree with Ducksie. There is one poster who was picked up on spelling long ago and now has to do it to members at every opportunity.
I would be happy for Mods to be asked to remove any post referring to the spelling mistakes of others.

There are perhaps other elderly people on AB who, like me, had a very poor education. Being reminded of that is wrong.

Then there is the odd slip of a finger that goes unnoticed before hitting answer now.
nicebloke - // Until a rigid approach is taken too, replying to the OP, or related to the OP, or related to a previous post, about the OP, (ONLY )then every OP will end up being a free for all bashing contest ever time.
Delete none related, and you might just get to a better place.
Go to CB if you just care to mess around, like I do sometimes. //

The nature of debates on here is that they do meander on and around the subject, and often into other areas.

That's the nature of exchanges, it's organic, and I for one would think it a backwards step to enforce discussion entirely related to the OP, and would not wish for that to be enforced.

As far as 'bashing' goes, then Mods can remove posts that are flouting the appropriate Site Rules, and we do have one Mod who will tick people off if they are getting a bit antsy, in the manner of an Enid Blyton school ma'am!!
No friendly fire, please.
Threads have always meandered, Andy but I now have one mod telling me, just me, to stick to what is in the OP despite my post being relevant.
gness - // Threads have always meandered, Andy but I now have one mod telling me, just me, to stick to what is in the OP despite my post being relevant. //

As we know, some Mods are power-happy - report her to the Ed, and hopefully they'll have a word.

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