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rockyracoon | 09:47 Tue 27th Feb 2018 | Editor's Blog
69 Answers
If you join the new Answerbankers Facebook page, can your friends see? Can they see any posts that you write or comment on?

I don't want anyone on my friends list knowing about AB.


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But but but you will see me legless :(
//Facebook users tend to be self-obsessed people who seem to think the minutae of their mundane existence should be shared by everyone else. //

It's just a website. It's primarily used to keep in touch with people and arrange social gatherings in a convenient way. Plenty of... "facebookers"... are interested in q&a as well.
No Rocky, I shan't - off to upload some piccies of my breakfast;-)
Question Author
I've already beaten you to it.
Forgive my sweeping generalisations, I was hoping that I would be proved wrong!
I don't think any of us feel the need to prove ourselves to you, carry on moaning H.
I hardly ever post on my wall but I'm in groups and use them daily (closed groups)
I'm in both...
Moaning, Mamy? Isn't it called asking a question?
I don't want to join Falcebook in any shape or form.


Snap Hans....although I call it Faecesbook. :))
Then why post on this thread?
Hazi, yes your'Self obsessed waffle' sounded like moaning to me.

Now now, please don't make me close this thread.
Mamy is thier something wrong with you you have been awful crabbit lately?
Maybe mamya is getting fed up with how so many threads degenerate due to petty adults...who don't have an actual interest in the subject.
Nothing at all wrong with me, would you like to be described as 'self obsessed'?
I know I said I was going but one last statement - I get heartily tired of people complaining about this site (and generalising about other social media too) when in the main this site is a veritable stash of knowledge and support.

If you dislike certain threads then start a scintillating discussion of your own.
Oh dear, seems a raw nerve has been hit.

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