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Can you carify for me ED, whether you or your minions are monitoring AB

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dotty. | 18:38 Sat 15th Sep 2012 | Editor's Blog
75 Answers
this evening and making sure no dickeds decide to be Snags and put links up to any of the banned pictures of Kate, i'm not opening ANY LINKS at the moment. I also would really like to see a ban for any ABer who tried to post the pictures.


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Conversation that should've taken place but obviously didn't.........

Kate: "Do you think it would be safe to go topless on the balcony darling?"

William: (uses brain) "Best not sweetie, there's always a chance a paparazzi lens could be trained on it, even in a place as secluded as this"

I have no sympathy for her, she's brought this scandal upon herself
It is an invasion of privacy.

Imagine, someone has climbed a tree and focused his zoom lens into your garden joe , where your wife was sunbathing topless......what would your thoughts be?

' ooohhh I wonder if he is going to send that pic to a soft porn mag to earn a few quid'
'I will break that perverted bastards arms'

Why can a so called press photographers get away with this when it comes to celebs, yet if I took it up as a hobby taking pics of random strangers going about their daily business I would be arrested?

\\\ if I took it up as a hobby taking pics of random strangers going about their daily business I would be arrested?\\\\

Would you?...Why?
Peeping Toms are not tolerated, Sqad.
Difference is mick that pics of my Mrs t!ts wouldn't end up in national magazines/newspapers cos she's not famous (even though she does have superb t!ts I might add!)
ummmm.....depends on your definition of a "Peeping Tom. Surely photographing someone going about their daily business can't be described as a "Peeping Tom"......can they?
Answer the bit about a bloke aiming a camera lens into your garden , joe.

Why should celebs have to put up with it?

Sqad.....why not try it and see what happens.
The magazine very definitely broke French privacy laws (it wouldn't have been illegal in the UK) but the problem is any fine they receive or pay out they have to make will be far outweighed by the revenue they get by publishing the pictures so there is no incentive for them not to publish the pictures. that YES it is illegal?
I don't mean in the street, sqad. I mean climing trees to see into gardens , getting ladders agains a brick wall etc
Photographing people going about their daily business? Is that what the photographer was doing? I think not...
Mick.... as long as the photographer is on public property then taking pictures of a person in their garden is legal in the UK (even if the public property happens to be up a tree)

In fact, in your example, Joe's missus could be prosecuted for indecent exposure.
MT....any woman going topless outside runs the risk of being spied upon so they do so at their own peril
I would bet that if a member of the public tried to do it, they would eventually be arrested. Agains the law or not against the law.

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Can you carify for me ED, whether you or your minions are monitoring AB

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